Two fathers, two countries and no place to call home
When your skin’s the wrong color and eyes a hated shade of blue, life is one godsdamned battle after another.
All that’s kept me alive is the birthmark for which I was abandoned, the night of my birth. A Luna moth, symbol of the Mother Goddess, with its alarming potential for magic, anathema among my desert people.
I worship the fierce warrior who found and named me Thea. In a moon, I turn seventeen and should he deem me worthy, will join his forces. Service alone can ensure my citizenship, and eventually end the hatred heaped upon me.
A warrior mage I’ve never trusted swears we’ve known each other over many lifetimes. He sees a different path for me-one wherein I embrace the mystical destiny my birthmark portends.
Faced with this alarming possibility, I find myself asking: Can I kill those whose blood I may share? Or will this enigmatic mage, to whom I’m inexplicably drawn, convince me to set aside a life of honor for one of magic?

About Me
Do you know who i am!
When not writing or riding my horses, I serve as a Society of Master Saddlers Qualified Saddle Fitter. In between that, I garden, am ordered around by our cats or read, dance, do yoga or pilates.
I believe life can be what we create, and that the people, experiences and ideas encountered on this path can become the stuff of dreams which can become our reality. Why? Because Day Without Dawn began as a dream that took me twenty pages to record.
Telling stories, my horses, nature’s glory, a meal with friends, I could not ask for more. And now that you are here, let’s get this party started! Sign up for exclusive updates.
my books
A girl with two fathers, two countries and no place to call home.
When your skin’s the wrong color and eyes a different shade of blue, life is one godsdamned battle after another. All that’s kept me alive is my birthmark, symbol of the A’talan Mother Goddess. Well, that, and . . .
My latest blog
a writer’s life – possessed of story
Spring with its inherent promise of new beginnings, has arrived at Avatar Morgans. (Registered with the Morgan Horse Association long before the movie came out.) Gus and Gilda, our Canadian Geese, have returned, as have the Sandhill Cranes, Frannie, and Fraser. The...
About the Author
I write fantasies about many-lived lovers in worlds where natural magic triumphs over evil.When not writing or riding my horses, I serve as a Society of Master Saddlers Qualified Saddle Fitter. In between that, I garden, am ordered around by our cats or read,...
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