Mist rising from the marshes of Carlos Avery Wildlife Area.
Spring with its inherent promise of new beginnings, has arrived at Avatar Morgans. (Registered with the Morgan Horse Association long before the movie came out.) Gus and Gilda, our Canadian Geese, have returned, as have the Sandhill Cranes, Frannie, and Fraser. The ladies are often in the marsh, checking out possible nesting sites. A pair of ducks are giving us the once over, but it’s likely they will seek more water than a marsh can offer. “Our” herd of White-Tailed Deer take delight in our horses’ greening pastures. With any luck, I’ll have pics of their offspring for an upcoming newsletter. We live in and with nature here. Above, sunrise coming through the mist and acres of oak and birch.  
Sunrise over the Carlo's Avery Wildlife Refuge
Above, sunrise coming through the mist and acres of oak and birch. So, what’s with this ‘possessed’ by story? It’s being unable to think of little else. It’s pushing aside ought to do’s for want to do’s. It’s a writer living their dream. Look anywhere and there are stories about people pursuing their best, most authentic lives, yet living in the future belittles the need to “Be Here Now.” (See link below if you’d like to know more about this counterculture phenomena of the 1970’s.) I begin my morning by finding six things to recycle, repurpose or give away. It simplifies life, my writing process, and hones my focus. Earlier this week, I found the PDF linked below in which Ben Hardy proposes you can fulfill your ten-year plan in six months. 
  Look anywhere and there are stories about people pursuing their best, most authentic lives, yet living in the future belittles the need to “Be Here Now.”  (See link below if you’d like to know more about this counterculture phenomena of the 1970’s.) I begin my morning by finding six things to recycle, repurpose or give away. It simplifies life, my writing process, and hones my focus. Earlier this week, I found the PDF linked below in which Ben Hardy proposes you can fulfill your ten-year plan in six months.   As a writer, saddlefitter, rider, gardener, etc., a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual planner help keep me ‘on point’. I also do a year end summary and project for the year to come. Re-reading Ben’s highlighted/anointed piece came as a welcome reminder of my “why.” Call your own ‘why’ what you will: purpose, mission, drive or hopes & dreams, it’s easily lost in the day-to-day. Revisiting this piece was a welcome reminder about defining every day’s ‘One Thing.’     I hope you’ll check it out and find inspiration in this piece.  
CLICK HERE How to Achieve Your 10-Year plan in 6 months
I hope you’ll check out Iridesce, the first book in Day Without Dawn, my epic dark fantasy romance series rooted in the myth and mysticism of ancient cultures. At times dark, the story unfolds with ample humor, romance, and everything coming of age entails. The series celebrates humanity’s ability to live an honorable life filled with love and adventure. It’s a story of found family, lovers in multiple lifetimes, and the price exacted by destiny and prejudice. Iridesce is perfect for readers who love Sabaa Tahir’s An Ember in the Ashes series and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater.   If you love Iridesce and would like to beta read Luminesce, the second book in the series, use the button below to email me. I’ll add your name to my list and reach out when it’s ready to read. After all, what is life without people to share it with?